Bitumen price in Pakistan

The material is most importantly used in building construction, mainly foundation sealing & the
asphalt binding for roads. The cost and use of Bitumen can vary in Pakistan due to several
other factors including market situation, nature of bituminous material and its application. In this
article we will provide you complete details about the bitumen price, coats and other relative of
Bitumen in Pakistan with an overview on
Bitumen Price in Pakistan
Current Bitumen Pricing Trends
Bitumen prices in Pakistan are subject to international market forces that affect supply and
demand, global crude oil rates as well at local production costs. According to last reports,
bitumen was priced at 10-14 thousand more or less per ton The range is between 40–55 Rs per
Kilogram and varies from place to playce based on bitumen grade you would buy. Bitumen is
generally sold in bulk as well as packed state and prices vary between retail to wholesale

Factors Affecting Bitumen Prices

1. Global Crude Oil Prices: Bitumen is a product of crude oil, and as such the cost of
production directly reflects global supply and demand for raw oil.
2. Demand and Supply: Increased construction activity or roadwork may push up the demand
resulting in higher prices.
3. Transportation Costs — The costs related to moving bitumen from production sites all the
way through to end-use have an impact on price.
4. Local Taxes and Duties: This can change the bitumen price besides another factors.

Bitumen Coating in Pakistan

Bitumen Coating:
Bitumen Coating: The bituminous paint is made up of a viscous waterproof material and suitable
for the protection or aesthetic appearance. This material is normally used in building
construction to increase life of structure and duration.

Types of Bitumen Coating in Pakistan

1. Hot applied bitumen coatings: it is also known as hot loaded. these types are mainly used
in roofing insulation and foundation waterproofing applications at high temperature, the methods
that we describe below like brush or flowapplied will not do this type of coating justice. It
provides strong bind to a multitude of substrates yet also allows for excellent adhesion.
2. Cold Applied Bitumen Coating: It is applied at normal temperatures while dealing with
repairing and maintaining skin. Bird tampers are not as durable when compared to hot applied
coatings, but installation is a whole lot easier.
3.Rapid Setting Emulsion Coating:It is made from a blend of hydrocarbons emulsified in
water used for maintenance & surface treatments on roads. It dries very fast as it gives a water-
resistant coating.
4. Bitumen Paint – Thinner Bitumen for Protective Coating of Metal and Concrete Surface
These are best for places where you want to have a smoother layer and not the densest one.

Bitumen Coating Applications

Roof Waterproofing: Your roof should be water proof, so go on living without leaks or wet
– Foundation Protection: Protects foundations from soil moisture
• Road Paving- Binder in asphalt mixtures
Industrial Applications: Essential for protecting metal structures from corrosion.

Bitumen Membrane Sheet’s Primer

Bitumen membrane sheets are commonly used for waterproofing of roofs, foundations and
buckets. They are created using bitumen, which is then reinforced with materials like fiberglass
or polyester to make them stronger.

Role of Primer in Bitumen Membrane Application

A primer is a must in bitumen membrane sheets application as it helps to be ready the surface
for appropriate adhesion. The primer:
Bonding- Improves Bitumen membrane bond to the substrate.

Seals Porous Surfaces — It helps in sealing the surface that leads to an uneven absorption of
Blistering Prevention: Lowers the chance for air or moisture pockets to develop underneath

Bitumen Coating in Major Cities Bitumen Coating in Islamabad

Bitumen covering services are mostly taken advantage of in Islamabad for water proofing as
well as road protection. Capital Bitumen Coating is available from PKR 10,000 to PKR 12,000
per ton depending upon the type of coating and as well on specific stipulation.
Bitumen Coating in Peshawar
The use of bitumen coating for various construction and repair works is a common practice in
Peshawar as well. Land here is cheaper than Islamabad as a general rule, priced anywhere
from PKR 9k to PKRW 11k per ton. Local providers might have different formulations for
applicable to the regional climate and construction practices.
Bitumen Coating in Lahore
As a key urban place, Lahore experiences stress on bitumen in roadwork and building projects.
Being the major construction making city of Pakistan, huge transportation expenses in Lahore
also play as a part to be highest from PKR 10,000/- up till: PKR 13,000/ton.
Bitumen Packing in Pakistan
Standard Bitumen Drum Size
200-liter drum packing is a very general standard in Pakistan when it comes to packaging
bitumen. The standard size is handy and easy to carry. The capacity of the drum allows for a
convenient stockpiling and utilization based on specific project requirements.
Bitumen Bucket
Bitumen in buckets is additionally appropriate for more modest applications or fix. These
buckets are usually between the 5 litre and 20 litre range. This is perfect packaging for home or
small commercial projects where you do not need a higher quantity of the material.

FAQs About Bitumen in Pakistan

1.What is the average price of bitumen in Pakistan?
Price: PKR 10,000 to PKR 14,000 per ton depending on the area and demand.
2. Bitumen coatings available
They are of literally types like hot applied, cold-applied and the last two is bituminous emulsion
&bitumen paint.
3. Why do you need a primer for bitumen membrane sheets?
A primer also allows greater bond, avoids blistering and prevent to absorb into the more porous
4. Once we get your quote, our team will reach out to you immediately and further explain the
applications of bitumen coating.
Waterproofing roofs, foundations fences road paving industrial applications — use bitumen
5. How bitumen coating is helpful for the safety of buildings?
It forms the bond breaker and water barrier to protect against moisture damage further, thereby
increasing building service life.
6. Standard Size Of Bitumen Drum In Pakistan
Its capacity is typically 200 liters
7. What is the price of bitumen in different cities?
Costs do vary from city to due to local demand, supply & transportation.
8. What does small-scale bitumen packaging look like?
For more minor roles, you can buy bitumen in 5-liter to 20-liter buckets.
9. What Affects the Price of Bitumen?
Various factors such as crude oil prices, demand and supply condition; the fuel transport
processes it undergoes from its origin to other user regions connected through
pipelines/territories will have an impact on local level taxes.


In Pakistan, Bitumen is irreplaceable in multiple applications in construction and maintenance.
In this article, we will help you in understanding the price a wide range of coatings and what
they can be applied for both residential and commercial projects. Finally, understanding about
how the system defaults regarding packaging and with you some of those extra bitumen benefit
coatings so that if it gets tough on site in one product then another option might suit your needs
better. Bitumen is one of the most used and needed materials in construction, whether this
concerns major works or minor fixings.

Showing the single result

Bituman waterproofing price in Pakistan

Bitumen waterproofing is one of the most popular methods because it is very durable and cheap. This comprises of self-adhesive or torch-applied bituminous membranes for waterproofing. Which is perfect for forming a watertight seal as it holds very well on flat and low-sloped roofs. Costs for bitumen in Pakistan may range depending on amount and quality but usually it is still cheaper than many other options.